Plus Four More
If you ever see photos of our family, you'll likely see me use #PlusFourMore. What can I say? I didn't just fall in love with Matt. Sometimes God gives you everything you've ever wanted way sooner than expected. So, check out my little ones!

Our stoic Jack. The first time we met, he made eye contact and shook my hand. He's been charming me and impressing me left and right ever since. Lucky for me, he made room for me in his heart right away. His passion for reading and active sports life keeps him busy. At age 13, Jack is a natural leader and wants to be an engineer one day. It can't be easy being the oldest in our house - but Jack nails it each day.
Raybo! Thank goodness we have each other in a home full of boys. She's full of sass and has a reading passion that rivals her big brother's. Rachel has a massive imagination and compassionate heart. I tell her she's 11 going on 19. She and I are able to snuggle up and converse about anything and everything. She's also a competitive swimmer!
We call him Tomato. Only ten years under him, but he's got crazy energy and top-notch athletic skills. A self-proclaimed goofy kid. Watch out for his wink - paired with big dimples like his mom - it will have you blushing. Tom is a great big brother to Sam and loves fishing and flag football on the weekends. A big kid with a heart big enough to fit Clifford the Big Red Dog.
Sammers, or, Sam-a-lam-a-ding-dong, are both acceptable in our crazy home. His social butterfly wings are busy in first grade. Tickles, tighty-squeezy hugs and music are some of Sam's favorite things. He's new to soccer, baseball, and telling you how fast he can run. If there is a pool near by, good luck keeping him out of the water!